Certified TM44 Inspections in Coventry

All building owners and managers in England and Wales, with control of air-conditioning systems with an effective rated output of more than 12kW are required to ensure regulatory compliance. This includes systems consisting of individual units which are less than 12kW but whose combined effective rated output is more than 12kW.

Under the TM44 Regulations, obligated persons are required to ensure that inspections of their units are carried out in an independent manner by an energy assessor. The inspection includes assessment of the system’s efficiency and a review of sizing and advice on efficiency, improvements, and replacement or alternative solutions.

Air-Conditioning system inspection, by an accredited air conditioning energy assessor, will improve efficiency, reduce energy consumption, operating costs and system carbon emissions. Following assessment, the energy assessor will make recommendations for improvements to the existing system or opportunities to replace older, less energy efficient systems or oversized systems with new energy efficient systems.

Regular inspections of systems are mandatory and must be no more than five years apart. Under the TM44 Regulations, the first inspection of the affected air conditioning systems must be carried out as follows:

For all systems first put into service on or after 1 January 2008, the first inspection must have taken place within five years of the date when the system was first put into service.

For other Air-Conditioning systems, where the effective rated output is more than 250kW the first inspection must have taken place by 4 January 2009.

For other Air-Conditioning systems, where the effective rated output is more than 12kW the first inspection must have taken place by 4 January 2011.

If your Building requires a TM44 inspection please contact Chilled System Solutions for advice or to arrange a TM44 Assessment to be carried out.